my sanctuary.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Meaningful Mornings

There's something about waking up 0500 in the morning.

Where you sit in the train, watching the sky get brighter station by station. Where you see sleepy heads flying in all directions. When you see throngs of people inpatiently waiting for the next connecting train, each carrying a face that suggest the emptiness of mind behind the facade. The routine that they face everyday yet carry out faithfully.

Well they don't really have much a choice. But somehow, you stand out. Along the way, you can't help but ponder over the rationale of your actions. But as you get closer to your destination, you find more people like yourself, each carrying a uniqueness in their disposition.

And you all converge at a common peripheral location, streaming into a humble auditorium; so spacious yet so saturated. You step in and you sense something overwhelming. And you marvel at the majesty.

Thats when you know "I'm here for a reason".


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